What would happen if I needed to take over the finances for our family?
I worried if my body would be able to keep up with the physical demands of my work?
What would be my plan B be if life took a different turn?
How would my family and I make it??
As a New England girl who had been living in Southern California for 30 plus years, I never lost my love for keeping it natural. I love good healthy food and being active, like running and hiking in the great outdoors!!
I married and soon we had two kids. I have worked as a body-worker for over 30 years despite my 4 total shoulder dislocations and other sports injures. Each day felt like a struggle, physically and mentally just to keep up and manage all the things I really wanted to do. Each day I worked, my back and shoulders would ache and I would need to do a lot of self-care to manage my pain. Practicing bodywork for all these years takes its toll, combined with the joys of being a mature woman; I was ready for my life to be Easier & More Fun!
BUT instead, life got more complicated. I remember the day I receive the call from my doctor and he said those word. “You have skin cancer”.This was after I was told for over 10 years by my doctors, that it was "just eczema." Once I decided to find out for sure if it was eczema, It took me a year of being diligent with the various cortisone creams. When one cream did not work the doctors would give me a stronger one. Luckily, I am now FREE from Cancer! And, I knew I never wanted to hear those words again.
As I aged and the hormonal shifts began to occur, I experienced those lovely side effects like poor sleep, lower energy and lack of focus. Now I have alot I plan on doing in the second half of my life and I was determind to find ways to keep my body, pain-free, energized and active!
After all my fear of missing out was at risk!!
I started on the road to becoming a label reader and took full responsiblity for my health. I researched and discovered that many of the products that we use in and on our body actually included ingredience that are linked to poor health conditions and disease. So, for the goal of prevention,I started using the best quality food, supplements and products I could find. These natural products and healthy habits I developed have been proven to keep me physically, mentally and emotionally well.
So today, I have mental clarity, physical agility and motivation. At 55 years old I am running races, hiking in places like Alaska and having fun with my friends and family!!
I no longer worry, instead I am excited about creating an adventuous and fullfilling life! I am passionate about sharing hope with other women who are looking to feel fit, fabolus and focused during their empty nester years. I want other women to know, if you want to keep working and be active, you can!! And if your family members need you by their side, you can take time supporting them and be financially OK TOO, there is HOPE!
If you would like to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle so you too can enjoy being active and hopeful, come join our free community!!! We would love to have you join us!!
Diane Mercina