Your Magical 🧙‍♀️ Lucky 🍀 Day !!
Whenever you can have an attitude of gratitude your perfectly positioned to have a magical and lucky day. Then when you take that mindset and keep it going each day, you have yourself a magical and lucky life!

In the last few years, I have been soul searching for my God given life purpose.
And just like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow...I can't help but feel lucky and blessed!!!

I've been blessed to have the skills to live pain free; physically, emotionally and financially.
So after 35 years of specilizing pain relief, 
I teach massage therapist to have a fun and healthy relationships with their body and finances even when they believe they don't have the time or energy. 

For a success pactice, massage therapist will benefit from:
  • Keeping our body pain free while working
  • Setting healthy boundaries with clients, family and most importantly ourselves 
  • Having a finical system for peace of mind
  • Goal setting and accountability for work-life balance
  • Community that is inclusive and inspiring when you need it the most 
  • Self-help tools to keep you on track with life’s challenging   
We have so much to give, our work is needed and it's time we become the most valuable person in our own life so we can continue to offer our gifts.

Sending you health, hugs and happiness!

Whenever you're ready... here are 3 ways I can help you move past physical and finaical pain,

1) Join our free group Click Here

2) Grab 10 days of free fitness videos for strength and flexibility Click Here

3) Free 15 min chat Click Here


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