Natural Ways To Stay Cool During Hot Weather
### Natural Ways to Stay Cool During Hot Weather 

#### Stay Hydrated
Drinking plenty of water is crucial for regulating your body temperature and preventing dehydration. Opt for cool water and avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can contribute to dehydration. For added hydration and flavor, try infusing your water with fresh fruits or herbs. To enhance your hydration routine, add a drop of Young Living's Vitality essential oils such as Lemon Vitality or Peppermint Vitality for a refreshing twist.

#### Dress Appropriately
Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing made from breathable fabrics like cotton or linen. These materials allow air circulation and help wick away sweat. Don't forget to protect your head with a wide-brimmed hat when outdoors.

#### Create a Cool Environment
Keep your living space cool by:
- Closing curtains or blinds during the hottest parts of the day
- Using fans to circulate air. For an added touch of freshness, add a couple of drops of Young Living's Purification® essential oil blend on cotton balls and place them near the air vents of your fans.
- Opening windows at night to let in cooler air
- Placing bowls of ice in front of fans for a cooling mist effect

#### Cool Your Body
Try these methods to lower your body temperature:
- Take cool (not cold) showers or baths. Enhance the cooling effect by adding a few drops of Young Living’s Lavender or Peppermint essential oils to your bathwater.
- Apply cold, wet towels to your neck, wrists, and ankles
- Use a spray bottle filled with cool water to mist yourself. Create a DIY cooling mist by adding a few drops of Young Living’s Peppermint essential oil to your spray bottle.
- Soak your feet in cool water

#### Time Your Activities Wisely
Avoid strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day, typically between 11 am and 3 pm. If you must be outside, seek shade and take frequent breaks in cooler areas.

#### Eat Light, Cooling Foods
Opt for light meals that don't require using the oven or stove. Choose foods with high water content like:
- Fresh fruits (watermelon, strawberries, cucumber)
- Leafy greens
- Cold soups
- Smoothies
For added flavor and health benefits, consider adding a drop of Young Living’s Orange or Lemon Vitality essential oils to your smoothies.

#### Use Natural Cooling Techniques
- Place a bowl of ice in front of a fan to create a cooling breeze
- Hang damp sheets in front of open windows
- Use Young Living’s Peppermint or Eucalyptus essential oils in a diffuser to create an invigorating, cool atmosphere.

#### Stay on the Lower Levels
Heat rises, so if possible, spend more time on the lower levels of your home or building.

#### Create Cross-Ventilation
Open windows on opposite sides of a room to create a natural breeze and improve air circulation.

#### Use Cooling Bedding
Opt for breathable, natural fiber sheets like cotton or bamboo. Consider using a buckwheat pillow, which doesn't retain heat like traditional pillows. For a restful and cool sleep, spritz your bedding with a mixture of water and Young Living’s Lavender essential oil before bedtime.

By integrating these natural cooling strategies along with the amazing benefits of Young Living products, you can stay comfortable and healthy during hot, humid weather without relying solely on air conditioning. Remember to listen to your body and take breaks in cooler areas if you start feeling overheated.

Click this link for The Cool Kit to help you feeling cool for the summer.
Keep Well and Stay healthy,
Diane Dahi


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