Congradutions! Your kids have grown and it's your turn! Yet, now that you have the time to do the things you have wanted to do, your body is saying, I'm not to sure, seems my get up and got just got up and left. With body aches and poor sleep, your energy may not be what you need to have the active life you really want and deserve. In my 30 years of being a wellness practitioner, I have had many conversations with clients which have led me to these 10 steps towards a health lifestyle. I work these steps in to my scheadule daily and they have helped me to stay physically energized and mentally focused.
- Free your mind – stress is the body’s method of reacting to a challenge. We have good and bad stress in our lives. Most of us have too much of the bad stress. The result have lead to disease and an unhealthy effects on our bodies. Decide to schedule into your day- preferably first thing in the morning, a practice of being present and having a peaceful mind. Some examples can be Meditation, tapping or EFT, affirmations, motivational videos and breathing. A simple 30 second exercise that can make a world of difference in improving your mood and overall health.
- Food – the quality of the food we eat can determine the quality of our lives. You have likely heard that "food is your medicine" and I believe this is true. So, I encourage you to take time and be aware of what you’re eating as well as take time to prepare your food. This preparation of our food and what we eat seems to becoming a lost art. There is joy in eating whole quality food and in the preparation of feeding ourselves well.
- Falling asleep – I would like to share with you some information from my friend Web MD.com in the hopes that you will have an understanding of the importance of quality sleep. Better health, sex life, less pain, lower risk of injury, better mood, better weight control, clear thinking, better memory, stronger immune system. Our bodies do so much for us and for us to honor our bodies and take the time to do what it takes to get ourselves to bed on time and develop a habit of getting 7-8 hours quality sleep will be so valuable to a quality healthy life.
- Fitness – I grew up in New England, we walk to school, played out doors and we didn’t have TV on all the time. We were involved in farm work and just being physically active. Today, these activities are not part of our daily lives and our physical bodies, well let’s just say it’s not working for us. Adding movement to your every day activity is now a necessity to living above the wellness line. The late Bonnie Prudden, my dear friend and mentor said, "we have stress every day and therefore we need to exercise every day."
- Fun-Doing physical activity should be fun, so select an activity you enjoy, find friends to do this with and go out and move. Some examples include walking swimming Foundation training exercise classes are videos add 10 minutes a day and increase that to 30 to 60 minutes every day.
- Flush out - Your body is receiving unhealthy food and toxins that are keeping us living below the Wellness line. Be kind to yourself by taking the time to be aware of what is going into your body and take the time to remove the chemicals and toxins so that you can support your body well. Remove chemicals, use essential oils, by unprocessed whole foods and think positively.
- Flush out your surroundings- Look around your living space, your work and your vehicle. Having a unclean and disorganized atmosphere is a type of negative energy that affects you in your life. Add a daily ritual of 10 minutes before you start your day or after you start your day to simply organize and put things in place. Uses activity in a meditative way and watch your productivity increase in your mood be happier one.
- Finances- how we do anything is how we do everything handling your finances is a symbol of how we set healthy boundaries in living our lives. So we can choose and decide to live beyond our means. Everyone does not need to keep up with the Jones. Being in debt does not have to be the norm. Decided and being willing to choose differently. Be grateful for what we have and learned to say no. Letting go of things that we cannot afford. Do the courageous thing and except our responsibility to manage our finances. It is possible to live within your means and find our purpose receive abundance and live the life we want.
- Family – my definition of family is - those that you enjoy being around, you feel supported by and they except you. Find people you can look up to and that look up to you. Hang out with them and learn from them. Today we are in a room of smart, conscientious action takers. If the people you are around the most add positive value to your life, that's family. If not, then its time to go find a healthier tribe.
- Future – Have a purpose and be excited about a better life. Have something to look forward, a purposes that will add value to the world. Look at your scheadule for the week and add these 10 steps in to your days. For more tips on how you can stay on trask with healthy habits towards a successful and balanced life, get my free guide on How to Start Stay on a Fitness Program. Click Here for Free Guide